13.0 vol% alkohola
Priporočena temperatura pitja 17 - 19°C
MODRI PINOT je na posestvu novinec na vinski listi. Trte so mlade, malo obremenjene, v letu 2013 so bile prvič ročno obrane. Barva vina je nežna, še vedno rubinasto rdeča z odtenki granatne. Pritegne nas mladostna cvetica višnje in češnje, v kateri se prepletajo note zrelejših svežih rdečih sadežev in zrelih jagod. Vino iz naše kleti je bilo teden dni macerirano, nato pa je leto dni zorelo v hrastovih sodčkih. Sortna lahkotnost se v vinu prepleta z bogatim telesom in svežino, zato nas vino ne bo razočaralo niti, če bomo v shrambi za nekaj let ali celo za desetletje pozabili nanj.
The Jamsek PINOT NOIR was made for the first time in 2013. The vines are young, kept at low yields and picked by hand. The colour of the wine is gentle, though still ruby red with shades of garnet. Cherry blossom flavours develop with notes of mature fresh red fruits and jammy strawberries. The wine from our cellar is macerated for a week and then aged in oak barrels for one year. The lightness of variety is developed by full body and freshness. This way, the wine will not disappoint, even if left in the stock for a few years or decade.
Results of wine at wine international competitions: