12,0 vol % alkohola
Priporočena temperatura pitja 6-10°C (50-55°F)
PINELA je avtohtona vipavska sorta. Na posestvu Jamšek jo pridelujemo kot sveže sadno vino s poudarjenimi aromami. Ker je zadnjem času povpraševanje po lokalnih posebnostih vse večje, tudi po posebnostih med penečimi se vini, smo z uporabo klasične metode, pridelali sadno penino z lepim bogatim pookusom. Penina je nežno limonaste barve z nežnimi enakomernimi mehurčki. Vonj je saden in spominja na hruške, breskev in citruse. Ker ima vino podaljšano 6-mesečno sekundarno fermentacijo s kvasovkami, v penini najdemo tudi značilno kvasno aromo po kruhu. Okus je bogat in izrazito mineralen in ostane v ustih še dolgo po okušanju.
Minister za zdravje opozarja: Prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju!
PINELA is one of the local Vipava Valley wines. It is produced at the Jamsek Estate as a fresh, delicately fruity still dry wine, with medium intensity on the nose and palate. If you are searching for a new, local product – the PINELA sparkling wine can satisfy even the most demanding customers. This sparkling wine is clean, lemon pale nuanced with medium intensity on the nose. Fruity (pear, peach, a scent of green apple and lemon) and floral (blossom) at the same time. Although the sparkling wine is produced using the classical method, a long 6-month contact with yeast results in autolytic flavours of bread and biscuits on palate. It is light bodied, with a gentle sparkle and generally lower in alcohol, but higher in acidity - highly recommended as a spring-time sparkling wine.
A recognized expert of Slovene wines Brejec D. said: "Pinela is a great opportunity for production of sparkling wine. It has neutrality of the chardonnay wine, because the aroma does not stretch, but it is fine and coherent, the acidity of Rennes, which thoroughly rinses the mouth, forms a persistent foam, which significantly improves the appearance, only the dosage of the sugar level must be precisely done, because the sweetness can quickly over the acid and whole wine. If it does, then wine will not be left much longer. "