Priporočena temperatura pri postrežbi: 10 –12 °CRUMENI MUŠKAT je sorta, ki jo običajno najdemo v pol-sladki ali sladki obliki in ji to tudi nadvse ustreza. Za rumeni muškat iz naše hiše je značilno, da ima povdarjeno svežino, ki naredi sladko vino bolj pitno. Ta svežina se karakterno izrazi tudi v naravno sladkem vinu. Vsebnost naravnega sladkorja je visoka in se giblje okrog 380 g/L. V vinu so zaznavne arome suhih marelic, hrušk, karamele, višnjeve marmelade, borovnice ter medena nota, ki lepo zaokroži vonjave sujhega sadja. Vino ima sladkoben marmeladast okus, ki prijetno ostaja v ustih še dalj časa.
Posebnost tega vina je njegova pridelava: v času trgatve se v vinogradu izvede ročna selekcija le najboljših grozdov. Le-te se položi na lesene zaboje in se jih naravno suši podstrešju, kjer je stalen prepih značilne vipavske burje. Po 6 mesečnem sušenju se osušeno grozdje (rozine) ročno selekcionira in stisne. Izkoristek stiskanja je 5 % od začetne mase grozdja to je, cca 50 L na 1000 kg grozdja. Sledi nadzorovana fermentacija v hrastovem sodu, ki poteka običajno zelo počasi in ob koncu vino dosega visoke alkohole. Zorenje v lesenem hrastovem sodu poteka 10 let, kar da vinu vinu vaniljast pridih.
Minister za zdravje opozarja: Prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju!
YELLOW MUSCAT is a variety that is usually found in a semi-sweet or sweet form, and it suits it very well. It is characteristic of the yellow muscat from our house that we like to emphasize its freshness, which makes sweet wine more drinkable. This freshness is also expressed in the character of naturally sweet wine. The content of natural sugar is high and ranges around 380 g / L. The wine has perceptible aromas of dried apricots, pears, caramels, cherry jam, blueberries and a honey note, which nicely rounds off the aromas of dried fruit. The wine has a sweet marmalade taste that stays pleasant in the mouth for a long time.
The special feature of this wine is its production: during the harvest, only the best clusters are hand-picked in the vineyard. These are placed on wooden crates and dried naturally in the attic, where there is a constant draft of the typical Vipava bora. After 6 months of drying, the dried grapes (raisins) are manually selected and pressed. The efficiency is extremally low just 5% of the initial weight of the grapes, ie approx. 50 L per 1000 kg of grapes. This is followed by controlled fermentation in an oak barrel, which usually takes place very slowly and at the end, the wine reaches high alcohols. Maturation in a wooden oak barrel takes 10 years, which gives the wine a vanilla touch.