Jamšek vina za letošnje valentinovo pripravljajo posebno presenečenje. Iz arhivske sobe smo skrbno izbrali dve izjemni desertni vini Barbera 2008 in Rumeni Muškat 2006. Vini super dopolnjujeta valentinovo sladico, tisti bolj drzni pa si ga lahko natočijo ob florentinskem zrezku. Pa sladek valentinov večer!
Jamsek wines are preparing a special surprise for this year's Valentine's Day. From the stock room, we have carefully selected two exceptional dessert wines, Barbera 2008 and Yellow Muscat 2006. The wines are a great complement to a Valentine's dessert, and for the more daring, they can be served with a Florentine steak. Sweet Valentine's night!