13,5 vol % alkohola
Priporočena temperatura pitja 14 - 18°C
ZLATI PREPIH je hišna posebnost. Bela zvrst je sestavljena iz 80 % rebule, ki je bila eno leto macerirana in eno leto zorjena v svežih hrastovih sodčkih. Rebuli smo za večjo pitnost dodali lokalni sorti pinelo in zelen v enakih deležih – 10 % iz sveže linije. Vino je zlato jantarne barve, njegova vonj in okus pa nas poneseta v praznične predbožične dni z aromo po vanilji, cimetu, suhih pomarančah in limonah ter borovi smoli in medu. Zaradi prisotnosti svežega zelena in pinele pa zaznamo v vinu tudi vonj po zeliščih, suhi travi in sadju. Vino je bogato, z dolgim pookusom, ki ne razočara niti zelo zahtevnih pivcev.
Minister za zdravje opozarja: Prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju!
PREPIH is an exclusive wine and our “Family Specialty”. We named it after the draft of air that sneaks under the door when the strong Bora wind whistles through the Vipava Valley. It is a white cuvée made of 80% REBULA, which was macerated for 1 year and aged for another in small oak barrels. We have added the local varieties PINELA and ZELEN in equal proportions - 10% from the fresh line. Wine has a golden-amber colour. The smell and taste remind of Christmas days, with aroma of vanilla, cinnamon, dried oranges and lemons, pine resin and honey. The presence of fresh Zelen and Pinela also bring in the notes of herbs, dry grass and fruits. The wine is rich, with long after-taste and can satisfy even the most demanding customers. It best suits raw foods, especially the Japanese cuisine.
Results at international wine competitions for PREPIH GOLD till now: