Vintage: 2023
Alc: 8,5 vol%
Delicate bubbles, the freshness of Vipava white varieties, and full flavor will convince you. Due to lower alcohol content, you can enjoy more than just one glass of sparkling wine without a guilty conscience!
Traditional Vipava wine varieties reach alcohol levels higher than 12% vol. However, with innovative approaches in the vineyard and cellar, at Jamšek 1887 estate, we have managed to produce naturally sparkling wine with the lowest alcohol content allowed by Slovenian legislation: it doesn't go lower than 8.5!
Sparkling wine 8.5 is the result of knowledge, experience, and innovative approaches already in the vineyard. To achieve lower alcohol levels, a north-facing vineyard position in the Vipava Hills is necessary. There, the sun loses its strength more quickly on hot summer days.
To achieve this exceptional result entirely by natural methods, we produced sparkling wine using the French méthode petillant-naturelle. Due to the action of naturally present yeasts, gas (CO2) accumulates in the neck of the bottle, preventing the wine from coming into contact with air. Therefore, we do not add sulfur, and we do not filter the wine, as sediment ensures its stability.
Nežni mehurčki, svežina vipavskih belih sort in polnost okusa vas bodo prepričali.
Zaradi nižje vsebnost alkohola lahko brez slabe vesti spijete več kot le en kozarec penečega vina!
Tradicionalno vipavske sorte vina dosegajo alkoholne stopnje višje od 12 vol. %. Z inovativnimi pristopi v vinogradu in kleti pa smo na Jamšek 1887 posestvu uspeli pridelati naravno peneče vino z najnižjo vsebnostjo alkohola, ki ga še dovoljuje slovenska zakonodaja: nižje od 8.5 ne gre!
Peneče vino 8.5 je rezultat znanja, izkušenj in inovativnih pristopov že v vinogradu. Za dosego nižjih stopenj alkohola je potrebna severna lega vinograda v Vipavskih gričih. Tam sonce v vročih poletnih dneh hitreje izgubi svojo moč.
Da smo povsem po naravni metodi dosegli izjemen rezultat, smo peneče vino pridelali po francoski metodi petillant-naturelle. Zaradi delovanja naravno prisotnih kvasovk, se v vratu steklenice nakopiči plin (CO2), ki prepreči stik vina z zrakom. Zato žvepla ne dodajamo. Vina tudi ne filtriramo, saj usedlina vinu zagotavlja obstojnost.