11.0 vol% alkohola
Priporočena temperatura pri postrežbi: 8–10 °C
RUMENI MUŠKAT je priljubljena sorta v Vipavski dolini. Trti najbolj ugajajo severne lege, saj izvira s hladnejših območij. Vinarji pri tej sorti uberejo za predelavo različne tehnološke postopke: pri Jamškovih je rumeni muškat nevtralno do rahlo zlate barve, polsladko vino s 35 grami sladkorja na liter. Povišana kislina naredi vino uravnoteženo in lahko pitno. Rumeni muškat spada med aromatične sorte s poudarjeno cvetico po tropskem sadju (liči, ananas, pasijonka, grenivka) in z aromo po cvetju – bezgu. S tehnologijo fermentacije pri nizkih temperaturah vino ohrani intenziven vonj, ki ga lahko zaznamo takoj po odprtju steklenice. Priporočamo ga ob manj sladki jedi, lahko pa kar namesto nje.
Minister za zdravje opozarja: Prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju!
YELLOW MUSCAT is an aromatic type of wine with tinges of elderflower, pineapple, grapefruit and passion fruit. In the Vipava valley, it only grows on the most northerly slopes, as it prefers colder areas. It is a demi-sweet wine with 35 grams of sugar per litre. We take extra special care when making this wine. For the very best taste, we have introduced 3 stages of grape picking - the first is at the beginning of a harvesting season, so the wine gets full freshness, a second picking is for optimal aroma, followed by the third harvest introducing fullness of flavour to the wine. Wine has a light lemon colour with typical flavours of tropical fruits (lychee, pineapple and mango) and a gentle orange, lemon, honeysuckle ending. We recommend it with less sweet dishes, but you can also drink it on its own as a dessert.
Results at international competition for MUSCATE till now: