13,0 vol.% alkohola
Priporočena temperatura: 17–19 °C.
BARBERA je sorta, ki je v Vipavski dolini precej pogosta, čeprav gre za italijansko sorto iz Piemonta. Glavna značilnost sorte je visoka rodnost, zato ji mora vinogradnik posvetiti veliko pozornosti. Značilno je, da je barbera v primerjavi s preostalimi rdečimi sortami nekoliko bolj sveža. Njen vonj spominja na vrtnice in rdeče sadje, občasno že z marmeladnimi notami. Vino v naši kleti maceriramo od 10 do 14 dni, nato ga pustimo eno leto zoreti v hrastovih sodih.
Minister za zdravje opozarja: Prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju!
BARBERA is common in the Vipava Valley, although it is a Piedmont Italian variety. It has been present for more than 70 years in the Vipava valley and in the specific climatic conditions here, where it grows very well. It is a bit fresher than other red varieties from our area, which is very good for making a great wine. Its aroma reminds of plums, cherries, roses and other red fruits. The wine unleashes jammy notes that nicely complement vanilla and smoky notes of wood. Tannins are fresh, rich and quickly detected. Wine is macerated for 10–14 days and aged for one year in oak barrels. At room temperature, it is best paired by meat dishes.
Results at international competitions for BARBERA till now: